Задание №15522.
Фото к проектной работе. ЕГЭ по английскому

Imagine that you and your friend are doing a school project “The preferred mode of transport.”. You have found some photos to illustrate it but for technical reasons you cannot send them now. Leave a voice message to your friend explaining your choice of the photos and sharing some ideas about the project. In 2.5 minutes be ready to:

● explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
● mention the advantages (1–2) of traveling by train and car;
● mention the disadvantages (1–2) of traveling by train and car;
● express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would prefer to travel by train or car and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями М. В. Вербицкой по выполнению задания 4 устной части: читать.

Hey there! So, I found some really interesting photos for our school project on the preferred mode of transport. The first one shows a married couple standing next to a train at the station, with the man dragging a suitcase and the woman holding a bag. The second photo shows a woman giving a hand signal to stop a taxi passing by.

I chose these illustrations because they represent two common modes of transportation — a train and a car. The train picture shows the convenience of travelling with luggage, while the taxi picture illustrates the flexibility and accessibility of using a car for transportation.

Travelling by train has several advantages, such as being a more eco-friendly option compared to cars. Trains also offer a more comfortable and relaxing travel experience, with the ability to move around freely and enjoy the scenery. On the other hand, travelling by car provides more flexibility and freedom to explore different destinations at your own pace. It also allows for more personalized travel experiences, as you can easily stop along the way and make detours.

However, there are also some disadvantages to both modes of transportation. For example, trains may be restricted to specific routes and schedules, limiting your travel options. Cars, on the other hand, can be more expensive due to fuel costs and maintenance. Additionally, traffic and parking can be major issues when travelling by car.

Personally, I would prefer to travel by car because of the flexibility it offers. I enjoy the freedom to explore different places without being tied to a schedule. However, I also appreciate the comfort and environmental benefits of travelling by train. Overall, both modes of transportation have their own pros and cons and the choice depends on the specific travel needs and preferences of each individual. Can't wait to work on this project together! Talk to you soon!

Проверьте себя при помощи дополнительной схемы оценивания:

Дополнительная схема оценивания из демонстрационной версии ЕГЭ-2024 для задания 4

Дополнительная схема оценивания из демонстрационной версии ЕГЭ-2024 для задания 4

Коммуникативная задача выполнена полностью: содержание полно, точно и развёрнуто отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании (12–15 фраз). Высказывание логично и имеет завершённый характер; имеются вступительная и заключительная фразы, соответствующие теме. Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче.

Источник: фото к заданию: ФИПИ. Текст задания: englishiseasy
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