Задание №8903.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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The author watched the two women on their cell phones in horror because they
1) ignored their manicurists.
2) talked on their phones too loudly.
3) talked to their manicurists rudely.
4) didn’t know their manicurists’ names.

The author watched the two women on their cell phones in horror because they ignored their manicurists.

Автор в ужасе наблюдал за двумя женщинами по мобильным телефонам, потому что они игнорировали своих маникюрш.

«When I finally made a comment about the women on their cell phones, they both quickly averted their eyes. Finally, in a whisper, the manicurist said, “They don’t know. Most of them don’t think of us as people.”»

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