Задание №8777.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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Why does the author quote a tourist at the end of the text?
1) To expressa sarcastic attitude to Scottish sights.
2) To underline the annoyance at tourists’ disappointments.
3) To encourage people to read and share the article.
4) To stress the differences between Scotland and England.

Why does the author quote a tourist at the end of the text? To underline the annoyance at tourists’ disappointments.

Почему автор цитирует туриста в конце текста? Чтобы подчеркнуть раздражение по поводу разочарования туристов.

«I do hope it helps; please share it with your friends as I really don't want to have to hear another tourist say, “It’s just like England, isn’t it?”»

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