Задание №6880.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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What are two things to which effective medicines can lead to?
1) Increase the chance of conception and rise in birth rate.
2) Increase the chance of growing healthy food and rise in birth rate.
3) Increase the death rate and the birth rate.
4) Increase the number of medicines provided to the people and the number of pharmacies.

What are two things to which effective medicines can lead to? Increase the chance of conception and rise in birth rate.

К каким двум вещам могут привести эффективные лекарства? Увеличивают шанс зачатия и повышения рождаемости.

«... to undergo fertility treatment methods and have their own babies.»

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Источник: Английский язык: 10 вариантов ЕГЭ. К. А. Громова, О. В. Вострикова, О. А. Ильина и др.
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