Задание №15389.
Электронное письмо. ЕГЭ по английскому

You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Judy:

From: Judy@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Dream House
…We’ve moved to Chicago. I love it here! Where would you like to live, if you could choose? Why do you think so many people move to big cities? Is it easy for young people in Russia to change where they live, why or why not?

By the way, my brother Mike got a new job!...

Write an email to Judy.

In your message:
-answer her questions
-ask 3 questions about her brother’s new job.

Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями М. В. Вербицкой по выполнению задания с электронным письмом: читать.

Dear Judy,

Thanks for your email message. It’s always nice to hear from you! Here are my answers to your questions.

First of all, congratulations on moving to Chicago! Speaking of me, I would like to live in Saransk as I really love the local sights. I think people move to big cities either because they want to enroll in a university or to find a highly paid job. It's not easy to change a place of living in Russia as most people don't have enough money for it.

Anyway, you've mentioned your brother. What job did he get? What are his duties? What salary does he have?

Sorry, I have to go now. Mum wants me to help with the housework. Take care and stay in touch!

Lots of love,

Проверьте себя при помощи дополнительной схемы оценивания:

Дополнительная схема оценивания из демонстрационной версии ЕГЭ-2024 для задания 37

Дополнительная схема оценивания из демонстрационной версии ЕГЭ-2024 для задания 37

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