Задание №15365.
Электронное письмо. ЕГЭ по английскому

You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Dave:

From: Dave@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Physical education lesson
… Our PE teacher is super! He lets us play different ball games and sports during the lessons. Do you like your PE classes, and why? What sports and games can you play at school? What after-class activities are most popular in your school?

Last week my Dad organized a picnic for all our family …

Write an email to Dave.

In your message:
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about the family picnic

Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями М. В. Вербицкой по выполнению задания с электронным письмом: читать.

Dear Dave,

Thanks so much for your email message. I'm happy to hear that you enjoy your PE classes. Let me answer your questions.

I like my PE classes as well because I love sports in general. I never miss an opportunity to improve my physical abilities. We play football and basketball at school most of the time. We also have a computer class where we play chess. The most popular after-class activities in my school are dancing and swimming lessons.

That's great that you had a family picnic. Where did you go? How many people were there? Did you enjoy it?

Write back when you get a chance!
Best wishes,

Проверьте себя при помощи дополнительной схемы оценивания:

Дополнительная схема оценивания из демонстрационной версии ЕГЭ-2024 для задания 37

Дополнительная схема оценивания из демонстрационной версии ЕГЭ-2024 для задания 37

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