Задание №16355.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Blok often produced unforgettable and otherworldly images out of the most banal ______ (SURROUND) and trivial events, though his most beautiful poems were still devoted to his wife. Blok greeted the 1905 Russian Revolution enthusiastically, but later became disillusioned with it and couldn’t write any more, although he still gave lectures on literature.

Blok often produced unforgettable and otherworldly images out of the most banal SURROUNDINGS and trivial events, though his most beautiful poems were still devoted to his wife. Blok greeted the 1905 Russian Revolution enthusiastically, but later became disillusioned with it and couldn’t write any more, although he still gave lectures on literature.

Блок часто создавал незабываемые и потусторонние образы из самой банальной обстановки и тривиальных событий, хотя самые красивые его стихи все же были посвящены жене. Блок восторженно встретил русскую революцию 1905 года, но позже разочаровался в ней и больше не мог писать, хотя по-прежнему читал лекции по литературе.

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