Задание №16044.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Making you open-minded
2. Travel without travelling
3. Cheap and useful
4. Not for every tourist
5. Beneficial for career
6. Ways to spend less
7. For mind and body
8. A different perception of travel

A. More and more travellers are seeking a new kind of break. Wellness tourism is a trend taking the industry by storm. Apart from yoga and healthy diets, wellness tours also focus on meditation. Meditation is known for its multitude of benefits. Apart from improving your health and keeping you fit, meditation also focuses on your mood and helps you gain a more positive outlook on life. Vipassana Meditation, which means seeing things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation.

B. You do not always need to exit your house to travel the world. Nowadays it is possible to open the street view and pretend that you are walking down unfamiliar paths and tourist places. This way, you can also avoid the crowds while taking in the beauty of the surroundings. There are a lot of museums across the world that offer virtual tours, either for free or for a small price. Going to international museums physically might not be possible but learning about culture is something you can do from the comfort of your own home.

C. Travelling in the past was about adventure, discovery, exploration and domination. However, when you think about it, the term explorer has gone out of style. In today’s stressed out world, we travel places to treat ourselves, find out who we really are and do those things that make us truly happy. In a way, people were born to travel. As nomadic tribes, people moved in search of food. Travel in the name of religion prompted pilgrims and missionaries to journey into foreign lands to spread their god’s word with various success levels.

D. A person who engages with new ideas and cultures is more likely to hold different viewpoints on the same subject than someone who does not travel. Travel forces you to think about other cultures and ways of living. It replaces your old idea of reality with a new, more complex one. It is this process together with your brain’s reaction to it that pushes you to change and grow in a unique way. Travelling makes a person more creative, more flexible and more emotionally stable. It is an opportunity to learn and grow.

E. If there is one thing that helps develop your adaptability, it is travelling. You are going to be pushed out of your comfort zone. Travelling helps you develop your soft skills. No matter what you plan to get out of travelling, your soft skills will develop. Soft skills are highly sought after by employers. They include your leadership qualities and your ability to work in a team. The mix of people, social and professional skills, coupled with emotional and social intelligence is becoming highly valued in all spheres of our life.

F. Mountain climbing can be a very serious undertaking. The more prepared you are for the physical demands, the more you will enjoy the activity. If you are considering mountain climbing, even for just one adventure, you cannot just show up with your guidebook and gear. You need to spend some energy and time and get your body’s physical system ready for the demands that climbing can put on you to help protect you from injury later on. Training for mountain climbing is an important process that should never be skipped.

G. When travelling on a budget, there are lots of ways to make your money last longer. Some places become more expensive during Christmas and New Year’s, during summer and during spring breaks. If you avoid these times of year, you will find hotels that want to fill up their properties, tours that may have discount prices in order to draw visitors in the off-season and lower flight prices. Low season does not appeal to everyone. But for those who are happy to deal with alternate weather, it can be the perfect time to travel.


Заголовок 7 (For mind and body) соответствует содержанию текста A.
Заголовок 2 (Travel without travelling) соответствует содержанию текста B.
Заголовок 8 (A different perception of travel) соответствует содержанию текста C.
Заголовок 1 (Making you open-minded) соответствует содержанию текста D.
Заголовок 5 (Beneficial for career) соответствует содержанию текста E.
Заголовок 4 (Not for every tourist) соответствует содержанию текста F.
Заголовок 6 (Ways to spend less) соответствует содержанию текста G.

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