Задание №15987.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вы услышите интервью. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

At the end of the interview Jim advises beginner artists to …
1) love what they do.
2) try to earn a lot of money.
3) post their pictures on the Internet.

At the end of the interview Jim advises beginner artists to love what they do.

В конце интервью Джим советует начинающим художникам любить то, что они делают.

Interviewer: Can you give any other pieces of advice to beginner digital artists?

Jim Snow: It applies not only to artists, but to anybody who is learning a new skill. One shouldn't forget the fun factor. What kept me going with digital arts for so long was not the prospect of earning money one day, but the fun aspect in creating fantasy creatures for my stories which I used to write and sharing art on the internet with like-minded people. It helps to cultivate personal passions and interests, and somehow use them while learning.

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