Задание №15984.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

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In Jim’s opinion, how should a digital artist master digital painting?
1) By comparing all the software programmes
2) By learning software programmes one by one
3) By starting with Corel Draw software

In Jim’s opinion, how should a digital artist master digital painting? By learning software programmes one by one

По мнению Джима, как цифровой художник должен осваивать цифровую живопись? Изучая программы одну за другой.

Interviewer: What software do you recommend for digital painting?

Jim Snow: Well, different types of softwares have their own particular quirks and learning curves to overcome, until you can start being creative and have fun with them. My advice would be to choose one or two programs at maximum and learn them well before trying others... What I can say from personal experience is to try different software now and then.

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