Задание №15928.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Прослушайте запись дважды.

A. Jakes dislikes doing household chores.
B. Jake has never had a summer job.
C. Ann works together with her mother.
D. Ann’s mother is displeased with her work.
E. Ann has made up her mind to be a travel agent.
F. The agency clients sometimes complain about the tours.
G. Jake and Ann are going to have a coffee tomorrow.

Соответствие диалогу       

Утверждение A (Jakes dislikes doing household chores. — Джейкс не любит заниматься домашними делами) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False.

Jake: Definitely. It feels so good doing nothing. Of course I have to do some house work, but I don't mind it.

Утверждение B (Jake has never had a summer job. — У Джейка никогда не было работы на лето) не отражено в диалоге — Not stated.

Утверждение C (Ann works together with her mother. — Энн работает вместе со своей матерью) соответствует содержанию диалога — True.

Ann: As for me, I've decided to work this summer.

Jake: Oh, dear. Is it a full time job?

Ann: No. It's only the afternoon shift. I work at my mother's office.

Утверждение D (Ann’s mother is displeased with her work. — Мать Энн недовольна ее работой) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False.

Jake: Ann, you are a real star. Your mother must have been very proud of you.

Ann: Well, yes, she was. So now I have to answer the phone calls and help other agents to select tours for our clients.

Утверждение E (Ann has made up her mind to be a travel agent. — Энн решила стать турагентом) не соответствует содержанию диалога — False.

Jake: Look Ann, you probably have to consider the career of a travel agent after finishing school. I think you'll be very good at it. In fact, you're already good enough to do this job.

Ann: My mother says so. But I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand, it's a very interesting job because I can meet a lot of people and help them have a holiday of their dream. On the other hand, it's a very stressful job and I get tired of dealing with people all the time.

Утверждение F (The agency clients sometimes complain about the tours. — Клиенты агентства иногда жалуются на туры) соответствует содержанию диалога — True.

Jake: I bet you can tell me some funny stories about your job.

Ann: I certainly can. Most people have very reasonable demands and expectations and we try to offer them a trip that would be the best value for their money. However, sometimes they can complain about strange things.

Утверждение G (Jake and Ann are going to have a coffee tomorrow. — Джейк и Энн собираются завтра выпить кофе) не отражено в диалоге — Not stated.

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