Тест 132. Чтение. ОГЭ по английскому языку

1) Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.

1. How can students benefit from blogging in the classroom?
2. In what way is blogging different from traditional writing?
3. What discoveries about student blogging were made by trial and error?
4. What are the key aims of academic writing?
5. Why are teachers against student blogging?
6. What are the main problems associated with student blogging?
7. What results did classroom blogging have?

A. Writing in classrooms seems to have two completely different, conflicting purposes: a traditional and strict purpose — because exams will be about written skill; and a wider, idealistic one: the method of exchanging ideas in depth. So, first, we should repeatedly use formal tests to adapt students to exam-specific writing tasks — dull, and necessarily regular. And beyond that, we should encourage students to be as ambitious and open-minded as possible. That would mean finding classroom time outside of the revise-and-test cycle to be about project work, talk and flexibility.

B. Students realise how important developing writing skills is. This can be initially frightening, but that removes all lack of interest or sense of the humdrum. Asking students to write blogs as learning unfolds helps the teacher to be more supportive. It raises challenge levels. It can hardly be argued that blogging enables IT-skilling. Another positive effect is that it lets students see and self-assess their own progress. Overall, student blogging means more productive learning-talk over rote-writing.

C. The breadth of results has impressed. Students have commented on topical news, explained practical and real-world examples of syllabus phenomena, shared their views on issues, designed and written up experiments in depth, published and evaluated the information they have researched or sourced, and commented skillfully on one another’s work. And if, as the best have done, they write professionally in the public domain already as teenagers — which top university admissions director wouldn’t offer them a place on a degree course of their choice?

D. Student blogging is powerful and stimulating. This is much more motivating than writing longhand in the exercise book. Being able to present student work for class discussion, set homework to post short peer critiques and give project tasks requiring reading peers’ blogs makes teaching routines much easier than collecting exercise books for monitoring progress within the classroom. Moreover, it’s a source of far less conflict than fixed written homeworks with exact deadlines.

E. None of the risks justify avoiding student blogging. Some may worry that student work is too weak. But where better than a blog to show the process of individual development? Student bloggers are not meant to produce finished articles. What we’re looking for is taking part in a global community of discussion. Plagiarism could be another concern. However, practice shows that explaining copyright law to the student in a discreet, firmly-worded email (copied to the parents) can help to settle the issue.

F. The first experience of using blogging in the classroom has been rewarding and engaging. It has enhanced students’ enjoyment and writing skills. Of course, it has been hit-and-miss — but that’s what a trial is for. It helped to develop a clearer idea of the advantages, limitations and required guidance in asking students to write for the public forum. Remember what writing is for: to share what we see, think and believe, and invite response. Remember what schools are for: preparation to enter a wide world of possibility.
