1) Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.1. How can a person oppose bullying?
2. What are the reasons for bullying?
3. How many people are affected by bullying?
4. What are the risks for bullies in their future life?
5. What are the types of bullying?
6. Why do bullies start hurting other people?
7. Why is bullying dangerous for its victims?
A. Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the kids on its receiving end.
B. Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don’t fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian.
C. Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything up to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. For example, people in popular groups often bully people they think as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying). They may also tease their targets (verbal bullying). Verbal bullying can also involve sending cruel texts, messages, or emails which is known as cyberbullying.
D. One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that it is endless. Most people can take one episode of teasing or name calling. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Studies show that people who are permanently abused are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more.
E. Bullies are at risk for problems, too. Bullying is violence, and it often leads to more violent behavior as the bully grows up. It’s estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary-school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30. Some teen bullies end up losing friendships as they grow older. Bullies may also fail in school and not have the career success that other people enjoy.
F. Both guys and girls can be bullies. Many bullies share some common characteristics. They like to dominate others and are generally focused on themselves. They often have poor social skills and poor social judgment. Sometimes they have no feelings of sympathy or caring toward other people. They put other people down to make themselves feel more interesting or powerful. And some bullies act the way they do because they’ve been hurt by bullies in the past.