1) Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.1. What are ecological advantages of e-books?
2. Why can the Internet be sometimes dangerous?
3. What makes e-books harmful for one’s health?
4. Can you find any book you want in electronic version?
5. Can you read an e-book on any device?
6. What do we call intellectual stealing?
7. What makes an electronic library so convenient?
A. Though they аге becoming more and more popular, electronic books still present a variety of technological problems that need to be solved. Reading e-books can create eye strain because it is more difficult to read words on a computer screen than on a page. When reading on paper, light reflects off the page and into your eyes naturally, however, with computer screens, the device projects light into your eyes, causing headaches and possible long term damage to your eyesight.
B. E-books are just another file on a hard drive, and they often depend on the Internet to transfer from one location to another. A virus may invade your computer or you might accidentally damage your e-reader or hard drive. So just in a few moments you can lose your entire book collection. Moreover, third parties can monitor or even hack your files, and you can end up with a different file than you expected.
C. As with other media that has moved to digital distribution, e-books are often pirated. Writers work hard to create their art, and they deserve to be fairly compensated for their effort. The growing amount of e-books increases the chance that their work will be stolen online or that they won’t earn what they deserve.
D. Many titles that are available in traditional print books are not yet available in an electronic book format. Many mainstream best sellers are available in electronic format, but if you tend to read even some more exotic titles or academic literature, you will not be able to find much suitable material in e-book format at present.
E. But of course, electronic books offer a range of conveniences, which will continue to expand as the technology develops. You can shop for e-books and receive them almost immediately, any time of the day or night. In addition, electronic books provide the convenience of having a lot of books available at any given time, without the trouble of having to transport them. This is particularly advantageous when traveling: rather than carrying a suitcase full of books, you can carry all the titles on a single device.
F. Electronic books save trees. By downloading an electronic book rather than buying a hard copy of a book, you eliminate the need to print on paper. Even recycled paper uses more resources than an electronic book. In addition, electronic books save the energy and resources that it takes to print paper books, as well as the fuel that is required to deliver them.