Задание №9681.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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Why did the narrator go to the forest any time he had a chance to?
1) He wouldn’t have enough time for that later.
2) He had to feed animals that he had caught.
3) He didn’t have chance to do any other work.
4) He liked hunting with local people.

Why did the narrator go to the forest any time he had a chance to? He wouldn’t have enough time for that later.

Почему рассказчик уходил в лес всякий раз, когда у него была возможность? Позже у него не будет на это времени.

«I realized that as soon as the hunting got under way and the collection increased, most of my time would be taken up in looking after the animals, and I should not be able to wander far from camp.»

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