Задание №9586.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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According to the narrator, the biography of Pushkin’s ancestor turned into a novel because Pushkin
1) didn’t like the true biographical facts he had discovered.
2) found it impossible to stick to the facts that were doubtful.
3) could not do without describing fictional events.
4) found the true facts of the slave’s biography uninspiring.

According to the narrator, the biography of Pushkin’s ancestor turned into a novel because Pushkin found it impossible to stick to the facts that were doubtful.

По словам рассказчика, биография предка Пушкина превратилась в роман, потому что Пушкин не мог придерживаться сомнительных фактов.

«The Russian poet hoped to discover a biographical truth by sticking to the facts, only to discover that facts are slippery and not always true.»

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