Задание №9563.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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“Last” in “Harry was one of the last” refers to
1) the political figures who gave Manitoba its special character.
2) those who had moved into more expensive neighbourhood.
3) successful immigrants who still lived in North Winnipeg.
4) those who had chosen the profession of the arts.

“Last” in “Harry was one of the last” refers to successful immigrants who still lived in North Winnipeg.

«Последний» в «Гарри был одним из последних» относится к успешным иммигрантам, которые все еще жили в Северном Виннипеге.

«... because so many talented people had escaped its poverty and gone into business or the arts professions. But Harry was one of the last.»

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