Задание №8891.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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How does Renato explain his decision to found a country?
1) He followed the advice from the governor of Madeira.
2) He didn’t see any formal objections to it.
3) He obeyed the order of the King of Portugal.
4) He thought of it as a way to avoid starting a restaurant.

How does Renato explain his decision to found a country? He didn’t see any formal objections to it.

Как Ренато объясняет свое решение основать страну? Формальных возражений он не видел.

«It means I can do what I want with it – I could start a restaurant, or a cinema, but nobody thought that someone would want to start a country. So that’s what I did.»

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