Задание №8862.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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Which of the following statements reflects the author’s views?
1) Parents shouldn’t allow their children to play games on iPads.
2) Children are more attached to technology than adults.
3) Children now prefer their gadgets to outdoor games.
4) It’s hard to imagine the modern life without mobile devices.

Which of the following statements reflects the author’s views? Children now prefer their gadgets to outdoor games.

Какое из следующих утверждений отражает точку зрения автора? Дети теперь предпочитают свои гаджеты подвижным играм.

«It has come to the point where kids would rather sit inside and play games on their parents’ (or their own) iPads than go outside and play...»

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