Задание №8731.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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What does the author think about eating opportunities on campus?
1) She thinks they do a great job providing salads at a reasonable price.
2) She can’t understand why they offer so many fast food choices.
3) She believes they need to provide more organic food.
4) She thinks that meals from Taco Bell are too expensive.

What does the author think about eating opportunities on campus? She can’t understand why they offer so many fast food choices.

Что автор думает о возможностях питания в университетском городке? Она не может понять, почему они предлагают так много вариантов быстрого питания.

«There’s no doubt that the university tries to make healthier ... But I have to wonder, why is there so much fast food available?»

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