Задание №8682.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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Why did the oil company decide to send part of the profits to the bank?
1) The money belonged to the owner of the land.
2) It was required by the owner of the land.
3) They wanted to hide it from the owner of the land.
4) They wanted to buy the land out for that money.

Why did the oil company decide to send part of the profits to the bank? The money belonged to the owner of the land.

Почему нефтяная компания решила направить в банк часть прибыли? Деньги принадлежали владельцу земли.

«They took millions of barrels of oil out of the ground, all the profits due to the owner of the land were paid into a bank account in Houston, where they waited for a relative to claim them.»

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