Задание №8681.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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What did Bentley Harcourt think about the American West when he read the newspaper article?
1) He thought it was a land with a lot of free food.
2) He thought he might find himself a wife there.
3) He thought it was a land where life was easy and wonderful.
4) He thought he could hide himself there from people.

What did Bentley Harcourt think about the American West when he read the newspaper article? He thought it was a land where life was easy and wonderful.

Что Бентли Харкорт подумал об американском Западе, когда прочитал газетную статью? Он думал, что это страна, где жизнь легка и прекрасна.

«... he saw a newspaper article about the American West. It sounded like the land of milk and honey.»

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