Задание №8679.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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What disappointed Coca-Cola fans in 1980?
1) Sugar was removed from the drink.
2) The price of the drink went up with the price of sugar.
3) Beet and cane sugar was replaced with the corn one.
4) The recipe of the drink was revealed.

What disappointed Coca-Cola fans in 1980? Beet and cane sugar was replaced with the corn one.

Что разочаровало поклонников Coca-Cola в 1980 году? Свекольный и тростниковый сахар заменили кукурузным.

«In 1980, the company replaced sugar, squeezed from beet and cane, with the cheaper corn sweetener that is often found in American food and drink. Coke fans were not impressed.»

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