Задание №7671.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

In the distance, we could hear the sound of running water. To ___ the time, we told stories. That night in the cave we moved from one family story to another. As the night wore on, I remembered more and more. I was not alone—the cave, the blue light and the flowing water released stories and memories that we had never revealed to anyone. It was as if a river of stories had started flowing in each of us.

1) keep
2) waste
3) spare
4) pass

In the distance, we could hear the sound of running water. To PASS the time, we told stories. That night in the cave we moved from one family story to another. As the night wore on, I remembered more and more. I was not alone—the cave, the blue light and the flowing water released stories and memories that we had never revealed to anyone. It was as if a river of stories had started flowing in each of us.

Вдалеке мы слышали шум текущей воды. Чтобы скоротать время, мы рассказывали истории. В ту ночь в пещере мы переходили от одной семейной истории к другой. По мере того как ночь шла к концу, я вспоминал все больше и больше. Я был не один — пещера, синий свет и текущая вода рассказывали истории и воспоминания, которые мы никогда никому не рассказывали. Как будто в каждом из нас хлынула река историй.

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