Задание №7463.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

The benches were connected in stacks, so it was hard work to lift or to push them away, but we managed it. Most of the church floor was covered with marble-type slabs, but under some benches there were just some ancient-looking bricks. We got really ___, as we had heard stories about an old underground passageway leading from a crypt below the church to the castle in the nearest city.

1) excited
2) amazed
3) annoyed
4) animated

The benches were connected in stacks, so it was hard work to lift or to push them away, but we managed it. Most of the church floor was covered with marble-type slabs, but under some benches there were just some ancient-looking bricks. We got really excited, as we had heard stories about an old underground passageway leading from a crypt below the church to the castle in the nearest city.

Скамейки были соединены штабелями, поэтому было сложно их поднять или отодвинуть, но нам это удалось. Большая часть пола церкви была покрыта плитами под мрамор, но под некоторыми скамьями лежали лишь какие-то старинные кирпичи. Мы были очень взволнованы, так как слышали истории о старом подземном переходе, ведущем из склепа под церковью к замку в ближайшем городе.

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