Задание №7250.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

His eyes settled on Fenella, who was momentarily preoccupied with the youngsters, and he had to admit he had never seen such beautiful children in his life. They might have just stepped out of a portrait by one of the greatest artists of the eighteenth century, Thomas Gainsborough, George Romney, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Suddenly he ___ he had had children.

1) wanted
2) longed
3) wished
4) willed

His eyes settled on Fenella, who was momentarily preoccupied with the youngsters, and he had to admit he had never seen such beautiful children in his life. They might have just stepped out of a portrait by one of the greatest artists of the eighteenth century, Thomas Gainsborough, George Romney, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Suddenly he WISHED he had had children.

Его взгляд остановился на Фенелле, которая на мгновение была занята детьми, и он должен был признать, что никогда в своей жизни не видел таких красивых детей. Возможно, они только что вышли из портрета одного из величайших художников восемнадцатого века, Томаса Гейнсборо, Джорджа Ромни, сэра Джошуа Рейнольдса. Внезапно ему захотелось иметь детей.

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