Задание №6686.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Young helpers
2. Importance of discipline
3. Home education
4. Awkward moments
5. A warm welcome
6. Daddy day care
7. Sibling rivalry
8. Methods of persuasion

A. Family reunions can be a joyous occasion and an opportunity to meet new family members as well. Our parents have aunts, uncles and cousins that we may only meet once or twice in life. Often, though, meeting an extended family member can be like meeting a complete stranger. You’re not even sure you will like them, and the whole affair can feel a bit odd or uncomfortable.

B. Traditionally, the mother is the primary caregiver to an infant child. She takes time off work and stays at home to provide round-the-clock attention during the child’s early years. But recently, more and more men are taking paternity leave from work to stay at home with their new-borns. Mothers find it a welcome trend, as caring for an infant can be exhausting work.

C. While it’s true that kids must carry out their responsibilities just as adults do, sometimes Mum and Dad have to be a bit crafty to make it happen. They have to offer a little reward for a job well done. It may not be good practice to do it all the time, but if they promise a trip to the cinema, for example, the kids will be more likely to clean their rooms.

D. Many families live far away from one another these days. They may have moved across the country, or even to the other side of the world. It’s especially hard for parents to see their children do this, either for work or for adventure. So when special occasions come round, especially the holiday seasons, Mum and Dad are so grateful when their sons and daughters return home.

E. Sometimes a household is nothing but chaos for days on end. This is especially true when kids reach their adolescent phase, and you have a couple of teenagers who compete over every little thing in life. No matter how often parents attempt to stop two kids from fighting each other, nothing seems to work. They just have to wait until one of them moves away to university!

F. In most families, parents have to constantly remind their children of their responsibilities. But there are times when kids can be especially useful round the house of their own will. They also understand those times when Mum or Dad isn’t feeling well, and maybe it would be nice if they made dinner for a change or did a little extra tidying up in the living room.

G. Relationships in the family are complex. Parents are the carers of their children, but they are their friends, too, and in both senses they would never do anything to hurt them. But parents must never forget their role as figures of authority. They have to explain what’s right and wrong and make sure their kids do it. They’ve also got to provide the punishment when their kids behave badly.


Заголовок 4 (Awkward moments. — Неловкие моменты) соответствует содержанию текста A: «You’re not even sure you will like them, and the whole affair can feel a bit odd or uncomfortable.»

Заголовок 6 (Daddy day care. — Папа дневной уход) соответствует содержанию текста B: «But recently, more and more men are taking paternity leave from work to stay at home with their new-borns.»

Заголовок 8 (Methods of persuasion. — Методы убеждения) соответствует содержанию текста C: «They have to offer a little reward for a job well done.»

Заголовок 5 (A warm welcome. — Теплый прием) соответствует содержанию текста D: «So when special occasions come round ... Mum and Dad are so grateful when their sons and daughters return home.»

Заголовок 7 (Sibling rivalry. — Соперничество между детьми) соответствует содержанию текста E: «... and you have a couple of teenagers who compete over every little thing in life.»

Заголовок 1 (Young helpers. — Молодые помощники) соответствует содержанию текста F: «But there are times when kids can be especially useful round the house of their own will.»

Заголовок 2 (Importance of discipline. — Важность дисциплины) соответствует содержанию текста G: «But parents must never forget their role as figures of authority.»

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Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.
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