Задание №15972.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

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Speaking about the artists of the 50s, Paul says that he …
1) will never be as good as they were.
2) doesn’t even remember their names.
3) could be good friends with them.

Speaking about the artists of the 50s, Paul says that he will never be as good as they were.

Говоря об артистах 50-х, Пол говорит, что он никогда не будет так хорош, как они.

Paul Brown: The classic illustrators are also a great inspiration. The comics drip, and Disney artists, etc. I mean all those great artists from the 50s, the 60s, and the 70s. I can't think of a favourite design, as I love lots of their works, and I will never come close to that.

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