Задание №15715.
Монологическое высказывание. ОГЭ по английскому
You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than
2 minutes (10–12 sentences).Remember to say:
● why people spend time watching TV;
● what most teenagers prefer: watching TV or browsing the Internet, and why;
● whether there is a TV programme you really like;
● what your attitude to watching TV as a way to spend your free time is.
You have to talk continuously.
Today I want to talk about TV and why people spend time watching it. Television has been a popular form of entertainment for decades because it offers a wide variety of content that caters to different interests and preferences. People watch TV to relax, unwind and escape from the stresses of everyday life.
When it comes to teenagers, most of them these days prefer browsing the Internet over watching TV. The Internet provides instant access to a vast amount of information, entertainment and social interaction, which can be more appealing to the younger generation who are tech-savvy and value interactivity.
Personally, there is a TV program that I really like, which is a crime drama series that keeps me on the edge of my seat with its suspenseful plot twists and engaging characters.
As for my attitude towards watching TV as a way to spend my free time, I believe that moderation is key. While I enjoy watching TV occasionally, I also make sure to balance it with other activities such as reading, exercising and spending time outdoors. In conclusion, it's important to have a diverse range of hobbies and interests to lead a well-rounded and fulfilling life.
Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий
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