Задание №15707.
Монологическое высказывание. ОГЭ по английскому

You are going to give a talk about school life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:
● what your weekday is like;
● what you like about your school most of all;
● whether you prefer classroom learning or online learning, and why;
● what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

Today I would like to tell you about school life. On a typical weekday my school life is quite busy and structured. I wake up early in the morning, have a quick breakfast and head to school. Once there, I attend various classes, participate in extracurricular activities and socialize with my friends during breaks.

What I like most about my school is the sense of community and support that I feel from both my teachers and peers. The school environment is very welcoming and encouraging, which motivates me to strive for success in my academic and personal endeavours.

When it comes to learning, I prefer classroom learning over online learning. I find that being in a physical classroom allows for more interaction with teachers and classmates, which enhances my understanding of the material. Additionally, I appreciate the opportunity to ask questions and receive immediate feedback in a traditional classroom setting.

Overall, my attitude towards school life is positive. I see it as a place for growth, learning and personal development. I value the opportunities and experiences that my school provides me with and I am grateful for the chance to learn and grow in such a supportive environment.

Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий
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