Задание №15702.
Монологическое высказывание. ОГЭ по английскому

You are going to give a talk about reading books. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:
● whether reading is popular with teenagers, and why, or why not;
● what kind of books you like reading;
● why many people prefer e-books to paper books;
● what your attitude to reading is.

You have to talk continuously.

Today I would like to talk about the joy of reading books. Reading is a popular activity among teenagers, although it might not always seem that way with the rise of digital distractions. Many teenagers still appreciate the escape and knowledge that books provide.

Personally, I enjoy reading a variety of genres, from fantasy and science fiction to historical fiction and non-fiction. I find that books allow me to explore new worlds, perspectives, and ideas that I wouldn't encounter otherwise.

One reason why many people prefer e-books to paper books is the convenience they offer. E-books are easily accessible on electronic devices, making it convenient to carry around multiple books at once. Additionally, e-books often come with features like adjustable font sizes and built-in dictionaries, enhancing the reading experience.

Speaking about my attitude towards reading, I love to spend time reading a book. Although I haven’t been reading as often lately, since I don’t have much free time. In conclusion, reading is a timeless and enriching activity that can open doors to new worlds and perspectives.

Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий
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