Задание №15663.
Условный диалог-расспрос. ОГЭ по английскому

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.

Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the magazine School Life. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We want to find out what you think about your school. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: What grade are you in?

Student: I'm in the ninth grade.

Electronic assistant: How many classes a day do you usually have?

Student: I usually have about five classes a day.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are there in your school?

Student: We have a gymnasium where we can play basketball and volleyball. We also have a football field outside.

Electronic assistant: What is your school uniform like?

Student: Our school uniform consists of a white shirt, black skirt or trousers and a jacket.

Electronic assistant: What school events do you have during the school year?

Student: During the school year we have events like the school festival, sports day, talent show and end-of-year prom.

Electronic assistant: What would you like to improve in your school?

Student: I would like to improve the school cafeteria's food quality and variety. Also I think it would be great to have more extracurricular activities available for students.

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий
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