Задание №15660. Условный диалог-расспрос. ОГЭ по английскому
You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Пояснение: Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Teen Web. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We would like to find out how teenagers feel about holidays and special days. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How old are you?
Student: I am fifteen years old.
Electronic assistant: In what season do you have your birthday?
Student: My birthday is in the summer, in July.
Electronic assistant: How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Student: I usually celebrate my birthday with my family and close friends. We usually have a small party with a cake and some games.
Electronic assistant: What is the best birthday present you have ever had?
Student: The best birthday present I have ever received was a trip to St. Petersburg with my family. It was such a wonderful experience to visit a new city and explore all the historical sites there.
Electronic assistant: What other holidays and special days are celebrated in your family?
Student: In my family we celebrate New Year's Eve, Christmas, International Women's Day and Victory Day. We usually have big family gatherings and delicious meals.
Electronic assistant: What from your point of view is the best birthday present for a teenager?
Student: From my point of view, the best birthday present for a teenager would be something personalized and thoughtful, like a piece of jewellery, a book by their favourite author or tickets to a concert or movie they've been wanting to see. Personalized gifts always show that the person put thought and effort into choosing something special for you.
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий
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