Задание №13238.
Чтение. ОГЭ по английскому

Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.

1. What kinds of body art are not extreme anymore?
2. What was both fashionable and protective?
3. Why could sunglasses do harm?
4. What were the ways to protest?
5. What can you wear any way you like?
6. What item of clothes is it possible to wear anywhere and anytime?
7. What footwear is good for any activity?

A. They hide baldness and bad haircuts. They’re ‘one size fits all’ and they look good on anybody. They are baseball caps. They appeared in the USA and became the fashion accessory during the sports-crazy 90s. But you don’t have to be a sports fan to wear a baseball cap. All kinds of people wear them — from truck drivers to film stars to housewives. Rappers wear them sideways. School boys wear them backwards. It doesn’t matter whether you wear them forwards, backwards or sideways. The most important thing is that baseball caps look cool. They are worn by people of all ages and lifestyles. And still they are as American as hot dogs and apple pie!

B. Nike trainers first appeared at the 1972 Olympics and quickly became № 1 footwear all over the world and not only in the world of sports, though they had to change a lot. During the 90s, the simple trainer was updated with extra-thick soles. Dance music fans needed comfortable shoes for all-night dancing, but traditional trainers weren’t fashionable enough. The new thick-soled trainers were both comfortable and cool. For years we’ve been told that we can run faster, jump higher and play better with the right trainers. But these days most people who wear trainers are more interested in fashion than sport. Serious trainer fans may have twenty or thirty pairs.

C. It’s hard to believe that the T-shirt was once just a plain white undergarment. In the early 1900s, they were worn by sailors in the American navy under the uniforms. Over the next few decades more people began to wear them, but it was Hollywood that made the T-shirt such a popular thing to wear. In 1951, film audiences were shocked and impressed by the sight of Marlon Brando’s muscles under his tight T-shirt in A Streetcar Named Desire. Then, when James Dean wore a T-shirt in the 1955 film Rebel Without a Cause, T-shirts suddenly became very cool. Young people across America started wearing T-shirts as a symbol of their own rebellious feelings. Of course, there’s nothing rebellious about wearing a T-shirt now. People of all ages and from all walks of life wear them. And these days it is OK to wear a T-shirt almost anywhere and anytime.

D. Early film actors started wearing sunglasses not because they were glamorous, but because their eyes hurt. The lights used on film sets were extremely bright and could be harmful for their eyes. But when film stars began wearing their sunglasses in public, they quickly became a must-have fashion accessory. Of course sunglasses aren’t just a fashion statement. The main reason for wearing sunglasses is still to protect your eyes against UV radiation. But you don’t have to sacrifice style for safety. The choice of frames and lenses available these days is huge. So you can protect your eyes and still be the coolest person on the beach.

E. Fashion has always been a controversial issue. Young people express themselves through fashion, and extreme fashion is a way to rebel. In the 1960s young people started wearing miniskirts, bell-bottomed pants and flower patterns. Many young people became hippies, and parents despaired when their teenage sons grew their hair long. Then came the decade of glamorous fashion with gold and silver pants. Disco-goers wore high-heeled shoes and boots that were almost impossible to walk in. Punk rock also raised its ugly head during the 70s. Punks had crazy Mohawk haircuts and wore dirty clothes with holes in them. They attached pins to their clothes and even inserted them through their cheeks and eyebrows. Punks really knew how to rebel. Now that we’ve entered the 21st century, you can wear whatever you like!

F. People have different reasons for covering themselves with tattoos, piercings, and other kinds of body art. Some do it because they want to be different. Others want to be part of the current fashion. Ten years ago, in the West, only motorcycle riders and sailors had tattoos, and people usually only pierced their earlobes. Today tattooing is very popular, especially amongst the young. People are piercing just about any area of skin that can have a hole put in it. Ears are pierced from top to bottom, and rings and pins are inserted into lips, chins, noses, eyebrows, navels and even tongues. Small tattoos have become almost normal. During working hours they stay hidden on shoulders, upper arms, hips and ankles, waiting to be shown at a nightclub or a party.


В тексте A содержится ответ на вопрос 5 (What can you wear any way you like? — Что вы можете носить так, как вам нравится?): «They’re ‘one size fits all’ and they look good on anybody. They are baseball caps.»

В тексте B содержится ответ на вопрос 7 (What footwear is good for any activity? — Какая обувь подходит для любой деятельности?): «... most people who wear trainers are more interested in fashion than sport.»

В тексте C содержится ответ на вопрос 6 (What item of clothes is it possible to wear anywhere and anytime? — Какую одежду можно носить где угодно и когда угодно?): «People of all ages and from all walks of life wear them.»

В тексте D содержится ответ на вопрос 2 (What was both fashionable and protective? — Что было одновременно модным и защищающим?): «... aren’t just a fashion statement. The main reason for wearing sunglasses is still to protect...»

В тексте E содержится ответ на вопрос 4 (What were the ways to protest? — Как можно было протестовать?): «Punks really knew how to rebel.»

В тексте F содержится ответ на вопрос 1 (What kinds of body art are not extreme anymore? — Какие виды боди-арта больше не являются экстремальными?): «Today tattooing is very popular, especially amongst the young.»

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Источник: ОГЭ-2021. 10 тренировочных вариантов. Л. М. Гудкова, О. В. Терентьева
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