Задание №13234.
Чтение. ОГЭ по английскому
Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.1. How did marital laws change in the cause of time?
2. What limits for teenagers exist in shopping centres?
3. Can teenagers take up any job they want?
4. What are the teens’ rights in different countries?
5. Are the laws for teenagers the same in all countries?
6. Where can school dress-code be quite strict?
7. In what way do certain laws protect people’s safety?
A. Laws affect our lives every day, but people have very different opinions about what should be legal and what should be illegal, depending on where they live. The same concerns the behavior of teenagers in certain situations. In some countries teens are absolutely forbidden to do things that are allowed in other countries.
B. Teens around the world hang out at malls. In some places, however, you might have to bring your mum along to get in in the future. In about ten states of the USA, the law says that after a certain hour people under 16 can’t go to the mall without an adult. Shopkeepers complain that crowds of teenagers frighten away other customers. Teens also enjoy playing video games that feature a lot of fighting and killing. Be careful! In Illinois, USA, it is forbidden for anyone under 18 to buy games featuring violence.
C. The ancient Romans allowed girls to get married at 12 and boys at 14, without their parents’ consent. In Scotland this law was applied until 1929, but not many people got married so young. In the Middle Ages, however, marriages at 12 or 13 were common, but life was harder and shorter then and people didn’t live to be much older than 30. Today, in the UK and in Australia, you can get married at 16 with one parent’s consent. At 18, you don’t need your parents’ consent.
D. Looking for your first job? Do you know at what age you are legally allowed to work? In the USA, it’s 14 and in the UK, 13. However, if your parents own the business, you can work even when you’re younger. In India, teens can work at 14, with no limits on the number of hours, but they can’t work in dangerous industries like mines. In the USA, any teen under 16 operating machinery is breaking the law. But what about making some extra pocket money mowing the neighbours’ lawns? Well, you should know that if you’re under 16, it’s illegal to operate a lawnmower.
E. There are lots of laws to protect people and keep them safe, but people don’t necessarily agree on what is safe and what isn’t. In Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Finland and in most states of the USA it is compulsory for cyclists of all ages to wear a helmet. In some states of the USA, only those 12 years and younger are required to wear one. However, in the UK, bicycle helmets are not compulsory. Many argue that helmets may not prevent injuries and that some teens may not take up cycling because of the way they look.
F. There can also be strict rules concerning wearing a school uniform. It might have a particular color of trousers or skirt, plus a matching shirt and perhaps a jacket or necktie, with matching socks and shoes. In some countries, like Germany, students can wear anything they like when they go to school. In other countries, like England, there is usually a standard dress code in school, usually a set of dressing for girls and one for boys. In many countries, such as the United States, some schools require wearing a uniform, and some do not.
В тексте A содержится ответ на вопрос 5 (Are the laws for teenagers the same in all countries? — Во всех странах одинаковы законы для подростков?):
«In some countries teens are absolutely forbidden...»В тексте B содержится ответ на вопрос 2 (What limits for teenagers exist in shopping centres? — Какие ограничения для подростков существуют в торговых центрах?):
«... the law says that after a certain hour people under 16 can’t go to the mall without an adult.»В тексте C содержится ответ на вопрос 1 (How did marital laws change in the cause of time? — Как брачные законы изменились с течением времени?):
«Today, in the UK and in Australia, you can get married at 16...»В тексте D содержится ответ на вопрос 3 (Can teenagers take up any job they want? — Могут ли подростки взяться за любую работу, которую они хотят?):
«... but they can’t work in dangerous industries like mines.»В тексте E содержится ответ на вопрос 7 (In what way do certain laws protect people’s safety? — Каким образом определенные законы защищают безопасность людей?):
«There are lots of laws to protect people and keep them safe...»В тексте F содержится ответ на вопрос 6 (Where can school dress-code be quite strict? — Где может быть строгий школьный дресс-код?):
«In other countries, like England, there is usually a standard dress code...»
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Источник: ОГЭ-2021. 10 тренировочных вариантов. Л. М. Гудкова, О. В. Терентьева
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