Задание №10573.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

It was a beautiful room, not an office at all, and much bigger than it looked from outside – airy and white, with a high ceiling and two windows. In the corner, near a low bookshelf, was a big round table with teapots and Greek books, and there were flowers everywhere. I was surprised and ___ at the same time.

1) inclined
2) influenced
3) inspired
4) impressed

It was a beautiful room, not an office at all, and much bigger than it looked from outside – airy and white, with a high ceiling and two windows. In the corner, near a low bookshelf, was a big round table with teapots and Greek books, and there were flowers everywhere. I was surprised and IMPRESSED at the same time.

Это была красивая комната, совсем не офис, и намного больше, чем кажется снаружи — просторная и белая, с высоким потолком и двумя окнами. В углу, возле низкой книжной полки, стоял большой круглый стол с чайниками и греческими книгами, а повсюду были цветы. Я был удивлен и впечатлен одновременно.

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