Задание №10511.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому

Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

He turned away from the window and went into the bedroom. He had to pack for his trip tomorrow, and the prospect irritated him. It was almost over though. There was only one week more of publicity for the book, and then he would take a week off to himself. The ___ agent had prepared a list of cruise ships with empty first-class space that would accommodate his schedule.

1) tour
2) travel
3) trip
4) voyage

He turned away from the window and went into the bedroom. He had to pack for his trip tomorrow, and the prospect irritated him. It was almost over though. There was only one week more of publicity for the book, and then he would take a week off to himself. The TRAVEL agent had prepared a list of cruise ships with empty first-class space that would accommodate his schedule.

Он отвернулся от окна и пошел в спальню. Он должен был собраться в завтрашнюю поездку, и такая перспектива его раздражала. Но все было почти закончено. У книги оставалась всего одна неделя рекламы, а потом он возьмет недельный перерыв для себя. Турагент подготовил список круизных лайнеров с пустыми местами для салонов первого класса, которые подходили бы его расписанию.

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