Задание №10011.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

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The general advice the author’s gives in the last paragraph is
1) “take quick decisions when applying for a job”.
2) “include the list of your soft skills in your résumé”.
3) “try to impress the employer at the interview”.
4) “in an interview provide examples of your soft skills in use”.

The general advice the author’s gives in the last paragraph is “in an interview provide examples of your soft skills in use”.

Общий совет, который автор дает в последнем абзаце, звучит так: «Приведите на собеседовании примеры использования ваших межличностных навыков».

«Remember to show, and not just tell. Saying you’re an excellent communicator has much less impact than giving concrete examples of times where your communication ability was excellent.»

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